FlywithLua is the Lua script engine for X-Plane, which makes creating and running scripts easy.
I have created some Lua scripts that may be helpful for you too. Sometimes the same variables are used. If you want to use more than one script just delete duplicate variables (or comment out by using –).
Wind Info Script
This script show the wind heading relative to your plane (where wind is coming from):
-- This script shows the direction relative to your plane. Parts used from Glider wind script (Org Forum) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- USER editable values ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- local window_x = 40 -- Display position from right edge of window local window_y = 40 -- Display position from top edge of window -- -- -- STARTUP -------------------------------------------------------------------------- require("graphics") DataRef("Wind_WDir", "sim/cockpit2/gauges/indicators/wind_heading_deg_mag", "readonly") DataRef("Wind_WSpd", "sim/cockpit2/gauges/indicators/wind_speed_kts", "readonly") DataRef("current_heading", "sim/flightmodel/position/psi", "readonly") local show_wind = false function wind_main() -------------------------------------------------------- MAIN if show_wind then XPLMSetGraphicsState(0,0,0,1,1,0,0) graphics.set_color(0, 0, 0, 0.5) graphics.draw_filled_circle(SCREEN_WIDTH - window_x, SCREEN_HIGHT - window_y, 30) graphics.set_color(0.0, 0.6, 0.0, 0.7) graphics.draw_circle(SCREEN_WIDTH - window_x, SCREEN_HIGHT - window_y, 30, 2) graphics.set_color(0.0, 0.6, 0.0, 0.7) graphics.draw_angle_line(SCREEN_WIDTH - window_x, SCREEN_HIGHT - window_y, Wind_WDir - current_heading + 180, 30) graphics.draw_angle_arrow(SCREEN_WIDTH - window_x, SCREEN_HIGHT - window_y, Wind_WDir - current_heading, 30, 15, 1) local string = "" graphics.set_color(1, 1, 1, 0.8) if Wind_WSpd < 10 then string = " " .. string.format("% 2.1f", Wind_WSpd) else string = string.format("% 2.1f", Wind_WSpd) end draw_string_Helvetica_12(SCREEN_WIDTH - window_x -15, SCREEN_HIGHT - window_y - 5, string) draw_string_Helvetica_12(SCREEN_WIDTH - window_x - 14, SCREEN_HIGHT - window_y - 45, "From") end end function toggle_wind() if show_wind then show_wind = false else show_wind = true end end create_command("lua/wind_toggle", "Wind direction toggle", "toggle_wind()", "", "") do_every_draw("wind_main()")
Copilot: keeps plane in straight line when taxiing
This helps me to stay on the taxiway when working on checklists etc.
Show lua code-- Copilot: keeps plane in straight line when taxiing ----------------------------------------------------- dataref("current_heading", "sim/flightmodel/position/psi") dataref("datRAlt", "sim/cockpit2/gauges/indicators/radio_altimeter_height_ft_pilot") yawforce = dataref_table("sim/flightmodel/forces/N_plug_acf") planemass = dataref_table("sim/flightmodel/weight/m_total") -- Default values (can be overwritten for each plane) local copilotfactor = 2 local copilot_active = false local follow_heading = 0 local deviation = 0 local force = 0 --position of the interface local XMin=SCREEN_WIDTH - 80 local YMin=SCREEN_HIGHT - 100 local XMax=XMin + 70 local YMax=YMin + 20 -- Create a custom commands to switch on function copilot_toggle() force = 0 if copilot_active then copilot_active = false else if datRAlt > 50 then copilot_active = true follow_heading = current_heading force = math.floor(planemass[0] * copilotfactor) end end end function forces_do() if copilot_active then deviation = math.floor((follow_heading - current_heading + 180) % 360) -180 if deviation == 0 then -- no deviation -> no force yawforce[0]= 0 return end if deviation > 0 then -- deviation to left yawforce[0]= force return end if deviation < 0 then -- deviation to right yawforce[0]= -force return end end end function show_forces() if copilot_active then graphics.set_color(0, 0, 0, 0.5) graphics.draw_rectangle(XMin, YMin, XMax, YMax) graphics.set_color(0.0, 0.6, 0.0, 0.7) graphics.set_width(2) graphics.draw_line(XMin, YMin, XMin, YMax) graphics.draw_line(XMin, YMax, XMax, YMax) graphics.draw_line(XMax, YMax, XMax, YMin) graphics.draw_line(XMax, YMin, XMin, YMin) graphics.set_color(1, 1, 1, 0.8) draw_string_Helvetica_12(XMin + 5, YMin + 5, " Copilot") end end create_command("lua/copilot_toggle", "Copilot helper toggle", "copilot_toggle()", "", "") do_every_frame("forces_do()") -- Disable show_forces() if it works OK, just for debug (or delete whole function...) -- do_every_draw("show_forces()")
Binding the CowlFlaps to a Joystick axis for the DC-3
Show lua code-- CowlFlaps DC-3 ----------------- axisValues = dataref_table("sim/joystick/joystick_axis_values") if PLANE_ICAO == "DC3" or PLANE_ICAO == "DC3F" then set_axis_assignment( 33, "none", "normal" ) set_button_assignment( X52 + 6, "sim/flight_controls/tail_wheel_lock_toggle" ) DataRef( "datCowlFlapsRatio1", "sim/cockpit2/engine/actuators/cowl_flap_ratio", "writeable", 0) DataRef( "datCowlFlapsRatio2", "sim/cockpit2/engine/actuators/cowl_flap_ratio", "writeable", 1) do_every_frame([[ datCowlFlapsRatio1=axisValues[33] datCowlFlapsRatio2=axisValues[33] ]]) end